The Ultimook Running Camp’s mission is to develop long distance runners in both mind and body.  The unsurpassed beauty and rugged terrain of the Oregon Coast offers a unique training environment that will challenge and inspire young runners of all levels.   In addition to introducing campers to the best runs on the North Oregon coast, they will be exposed to great training, guest speakers, and team building exercises.DSC_0371

Located in Tillamook on The Hydrangea Ranch—Home of The Ultimook Race—this unique camp will treat runners to a REAL cross country experience.   This experience includes several trips to various beaches along the coast, the area’s most challenging remote logging roads, and winding trails through the coastal rainforests.  More importantly, though, it includes lessons on mental toughness, team goal setting, and leadership.

Camp founder, Patrick Zweifel, is a past OR State XC Champion and a leader of a team that won three state championship team trophies.   He’s building a runner’s playground on his flower farm and wants to share it with the rest of the running community.  He invites you to tuck in behind and be a part of the team.

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